23 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Tourism in Frankfurt

Tourism in Frankfurt

Kilometers of the Baltic and North Sea coast of Germany in the European continent and is located in the middle west. Which is one of Germany's sixteen federal states of Hessen, consists of 21 states and five independent cities.

Located in central Germany southwest of Frankfurt am Main, Hesse is one of the five independent cities. Frankfurt, the city known as the Brandenburg mostly by the Germans in the state with the original name for the small to be distinguished from Frankfurt "Frankfurt am Main referred to as". Frankfurt, Germany 5 The most populous city. European Central Bank have been here, the city was the financial capital of Europe. The most important tributaries of the Rhine on the River Main in Frankfurt, Germany's finance, transportation and trade center. Frankurt'ta Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born.

Tourist Attractions

There are a large number of skyscrapers and towers in Frankfurt. Number 100 who gathered at the edge and the Main river and the river brings a dynamic atmosphere depicting the city skyscrapers. Meadows, evergreen forests, bridges, spectacular views and great recreational areas, the Main river flowing natural beauty to life. Although many modern buildings in the city wall of Frankfurt, and contrary to popular belief, not of stone, covered with a green city.

Frankfurt is a cosmopolitan city that comprises global contrasts. High-rise buildings and wooden structures, the city comes to life as Japanese sushi and apple cider. This happens at the same time contemporary and traditional identities Frankurt'ta. Money and the global financial market, idea generation and create a counterpoint to the book fairs. Intellectuals with the financiers of the city's social life they build together. Compared to other European cities of Frankfurt, a city of art, who spent a lot more money.

Hirschgraben'de Brober the Goethe House (Goethe-Haus), is one of the city's most popular tourist destinations. Goethe's mother and father can learn a lot about the life of living in this house.

The cathedral was built in 850 Domplatz'da (Great Church), has a tower 95 feet high. Taking it to the tower between April and October, the museum exhibit is possible to visit many valuable pieces.

27 Römerberg the Römer, Frankurt'un 600 years of municipal building. Römer, Römerberg consists of three constructs in the field. This building is one of the most important medieval city.

Frankfurt, skyscrapers, towers, also has a reputation of possession. Commerzbank Tower, 260 meters high and the continent's most high-rise office building, symbol of the city. Main Tower, Deutsche Bank's two-tower, 256 meters high Messeturm (Fair Tower) and Silver (silver) The tower must-see places.

In 1858, Alfred Brehm Platz 16 established in Frankfurt Zoo, the world's oldest zoo bahçelerindendir. 4500 animals of 500 different species live here.

Both sides of the River Main, art lovers, the most joyful, the most important museum centers in Germany and Europe. Giersch Museum, the Museum of Applied Art (Museum of Applied Arts), the Museum of World Cultures (Museum of World Cultures), Museum of Communication (Communication Museum) and the Liebieghaus just a few of these historical exhibitions.

Culture and Entertainment

Trade fairs, conferences, seminars, festivals, parks, exhibition centers, private galleries, sports, literature, theater, film, numerous organizations and events, the city's multi-colored, wide-ranging and creates a culture of not more similar.

Frankfurt hosts numerous cultural and artistic events, one of the richest in Europe and the world's unique and worth seeing. Over 3 million people every year up to 60,000 events and participates in activities. A majority of congress and seminar center in the city day and night accommodation in Frankfurt's dynamic cultural facilities play an important role in the formation of structure.

Frankfurt is one of the oldest cities in the fair. Book Fair and the most important fairs Ambiente. Messe Frankfurt GmbH, exhibition and special exhibitions each year plays host to about 50. Section devoted to the exhibition area of ​​476 000 m2 Messeturm'un has indoor and outdoor. This exhibition center, the 256-meter-high tower can be seen from far away. There are also a number of carnival and festival in the city. Rheingau Music Festival (May) and the Museum Riverbank Festival (River Edge Festival of Museums), also known as Museumsuferfest (made in late summer) is the most known:.

Frankfurt, the world is famous for its outstanding thinkers contributing to the accumulation of intellectual and literary. This is where Johann Wolfgang Goethe's native town. This great writer who had a large part of his life outside of Frankfurt, where many of the most important works were written. The Sorrows of Young Werther (The Sorrows of Young Werther), and Goetz von Berlichingen (Iron Knight Fifty von Berlichingen) are two of them. As well as publishing houses and Inles Campus Verlag Frankfurt School (Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheim, Jurgen Habermas, ...) to be produced in this city, the city's opinion reflects the depth of the intellectual direction. The world's largest book exhibition, which included the German Library, Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt.

Frankfurt Opera, the Old Opera House, the city's major cultural centers of British Theatre and the International Theatre birkaçıdır.Büyüleyici architecture (skyline) guided boat trip or a boat tour of his favorite activities that the tourists. Color on the tram, Ebbelwei Express with the best views of the city will offer a tour of the city.

Wining and Dining

You can find the opportunity to taste the flavor from nearly 70 countries in Frankfurt. Frankfurt Restaurants (over 3000), bars, clubs and pubs is a city overflowing. These places spread around the city. Is not that hard to find one that suits your preference is to make a selection of appropriate ones. Beer joined the Sauerkraut, tasty cheese and a great deal Handkäse cider is addressed to its own tastes for every palate. Fressgasse, dining out in the city's most fashionable street.

Major local specialties;

Apfelwein:, a German-style apple wine. Containing 7% to 5.5% alcohol, this wine tastes sour. Handkäse: German sour milk cheese. Quite a popular food. Served with apple cider. Grüne Soße: local food is a kind of Frankfurter green sauce.

Frankfurter Kranz: Frankfurt kitchen, a unique type of cake.


Almost all the international brands have stores in Frankfurt. Perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, international and national examples of handicrafts, art, fun clothing and much more ... you can find everything in the name of Frankfurt is a city shopping. It is also the center of electronic products and sporting goods industry. Europe's best wines, cheese and sauce you can find also in Frankfurt.

Zeil, the city's most famous street of shopping and sightseeing. 500.000 people flock here every day. Stores belonging to the largest and most famous brands in Europe and Germany's largest shopping malls on the city gathered here. Galeria Kaufhof and Karstadt most of them are known.

Goethestrasse most luxurious street in the city, famous for its shops, jewelry stores and furrier Kaiserstrasse, designer furniture, antiques, maintenance products, household goods stores and supermarkets is intense Hanauer Landstrasse, Berger Strasse and Leipziger Strasse, just a few of the city's shopping streets.
Tags: germany, frankfurt, frankfurt places to visit, frankfurtta shopping, what is done frankfurtta

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