15 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Seen and place to be visited Poland

Autumn in Poland ...

General Information;

The capital Warsaw
Demographic 39,679,712
312.685 Area
Polish Language
Currency Zloty
National Holidays May 3, 1791
The neighbors Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia, Ukraine
Important differences from day to day and from year to year variability in climate Climate gösterir.Kış other year, a year passing through unprofitable heavy snowfall can paralyze transport for days. In general, the driest place in central Poland
Management Style Parliamentary Democracy
Time Difference for 1 hour

Tourist season is May to September, June and August are the busiest times on the Baltic coast resorts of times and spas eder.bu edilir.Masurian invaded by people who walk the lake and mountains teemed with thousands of people in sailboats görülürTatra difficult because of the Mountains, Pieniny, the Bieszczady or Karkonosz bulnabilirsiniz yüyrüyüş activities. Yapılabilir.Krutynia canoeing rivers in the large rivers for water sports and a very uygundur.Masurian Czarna Hancza lake is ideal for sailing .. Gizycko, Mikolajki or Masurian'daki possible to rent accommodation in the sail. There are nearly a thousand caves in Poland. It's most spectacular caves near Kielce, where it touches the Klodzke'ya close to the Bear's and the Paradise is the most Carpathians'da yapılır.Tatra mağaralarıdır.Kayak Zakopane Mountains and the foothills of the Beskid Slaski'de Szczyrk other popular ski centers.

Culture and Art;

Byczewski famous jewelry designers Jacek Poland, Jan Suchodolski, Piotr Malysz, Krzysztof Ginko, Maryla Dubiel, Jan and Alicja Wyganowski, Marcin Gronkowski, Jakub Zeligowski, Piotr Modlinski and others in the design of modern silver jewelry contemporary art world-renowned artists. Creative design of the Artists Association of jewelers (Stowarzyszenie Twórców Zlotniczych Form) is an active member, has very active. Giving the desired color and shape they are logged silver jewelry fairs and competitions across countries have created many award-winning and memorable works.

Constantinopoli Gallery in Warsaw in Poland since 2005 and works by modern artists presented and are on sale. Dizaniyla artists had done over their silver jewelry is sold in Poland and abroad.

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