16 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

ESTONIA seen and place to be visited

ESTONIA seen and place to be visited

Pupils in Northern Europe, Estonia ...

The capital Tallinn
Demographic 1,324,353
45.226 Area
Estonian Language
Estonian Crowns Euro currency
National Holidays February 24, 1918
The neighbors Latvia, Russia
Climate is maritime climate, wet and mild winters, cool summers pass
Management Style republic
2 hours ahead of Time Difference

Tallinn: Town Hall (square) into one side of the four cafes here it is thanks to a European city of Tallinn's most active part of what makes us say.
Place called Upper Town within the defensive walls around it and in a calm and quiet. We can call the neighborhood known as Toompea Hill Top. Estonian Parliament hosts. The Gothic St. Mary's Cathedral, Dome Church, also known as having an important place in Tallinn's history and also hosts occasional festivals Org.
Tallinn will be a large number of exquisite knitting sweaters, hats scarves, etc. as well as the unity of the Russian Parachute original leather hat with glasses or stay in the war, the German brand can get a lot of various brands, including uniforms with guns.

Pärnu: Estonia `Bodrum. Wide sandy beaches and lively nightlife in the summer. Write the city hosts several annual festivals, the historic center surrounded by medieval walls. Rüütli Street's tourist shops.

Saaremaa Island: Estonia's largest island is a popular tourist destination. There are a lot of ünlü.Adada meteor crater in the forest and sandy beaches.

Viljandi: the capital, 160 kilometers south of the city, four kilometers north of Lake Viljandi board. The country is known as a center of culture and art. Activity on the board of parks and lakes in the summer, especially on the hills.

Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians Turks and Iranians, or Arabs stir mixing is similar to one another. Because it has three of the nation according to their own languages ​​and cultural structures. Ülkelerken relatives in Lithuania and Latvia with each other, Estonians, ethnic cousins ​​in terms of their structure is similar to Finlandiyalilar'a. Today, many more unheard of names, depending on Russia and the rapidly Ruslastirilan Fedarasyonu'na Mari El, Mordviya, Karelia, Komi, and the Finno-Ugric peoples Udmartiya comes from the dynasty. In addition, any non-Laplandiyalilar country, Ingryalilar, Livonyalilar Vepsiyalilar and other members of this sülenenin. Especially Mari El Republic, Russia and often lead to problems between the governments of Estonia and Finland. Estonia in the Russian Federation and relatives not far from us, or even adjacent to the Turkic Republics Baskordistan Çavusistan and intertwined.

But, of course, the Land of the three Baltic historical development, geographical location and economic structures, them closer to each other. Today, a majority of companies in the region is working more than three countries.

Estonia, throughout its history, a region situated in a very huge empires kabartmis appetite. Throughout the country held in Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany and Russia remained under boyundurlugu. Country after the First World War, 24 February 1918, had declared independence, but after a short while surrounded by Germany again. The country after World War II, the 1944'ta, occupied by the Soviet Union and independence once again lost. Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1988 along with the emergence of symptoms there, Estonians 300.000 (population 1/5 'i) bagmsizlik wishes expressed by the famous bloodless revolution song. 23 August 1989, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia a total of 2 million people, between Vilnius-Tallinn road formed a human chain holding hands kilometlerilik 600. October 16 1988, Estonia, eventually won the struggle for independence. 31 August 1994, the Russian troops have left the country.

Estonia to NATO on 29 March 2004, 1 May 2004, the European Union, the people, and 2/3 vote has become a full member.
The Other Side of the Mirror: "Russian-speaking people"

Nüsufunun one-third of Estonia, who settled here during the Soviet Union, many of the country, "Russian-speaking people" referred to as the Russian, White Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar and Azeri origin, consists of minorities. Situation in our country, the Kurdish citizens of Russian origin living in the Baltic States and different attitudes towards the inhabitants of the European Union, expressed by many siyasetçimizin often became a subject. Doubt, because the EU in the Baltic Countries, the assimilation of Russians and Russian settlements in streamlining some of these people began to place.

Russians in Estonia, the Russian televisions and monitors are studying in their schools. A large part of daily life does not need to speak Estonian and some do not know the language of the conversation. Although the country's official language is Estonian, a lot of public places, writings can be seen written in Russian and Estonian. Ethnic Estonians, the schools to see Russian as secondary language transfers. Although still a large part of Estonian followed by Russian televisions.

Russia, the country is still on a very effective politically. Faced with this situation, the Russian minority in the Estonian Government for many years lived in their own countries, to become a citizen of Estonia, "Estonian language test" 'ni stipulated to pass. Today the people of Russian origin in Estonia did not pass the test of this language, there is no Russian citizenship. So, these people "STATELESS" fallen into the situation.

The Russian people of the country, a different generation now in Russia have become soydaslarindan. However, these people's, their homeland, whether they are in very good condition in Estonia are also discussed. Unfortunately, the people of Estonia to the Russian people, because we do not like each other a lot in general.

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