23 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Alexandria Tourism

Alexandria Tourism

Immortalized in the name of Alexander the Great in Alexandria is a city of love. Cleopatra's charm, warmth meets the pale blue of the Mediterranean and the desert here.

And of course no trip to Egypt would not be complete without seeing Alexandria. Egypt's annual tourism revenue exceeding $ 1 billion, is one of the major tourist attraction. Immediately behind the magic of Cairo the Nile Delta, such as a giant flower head. Seen from the air, as if dozens of colorful gardens with a split in the channel.

Cotton, rice, fruit and vegetables are grown in sand for centuries with the stolen blessing. To capture one end of the beginning of the ancient era of Alexandria is one of the must-see places. The ancient cities of Tanis and Sais in today's texture, people, houses, mosques, roads, and also, among other things had already been lost, the Mediterranean ancient history of life in this region breathes a mysterious manner.

Alexandria lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the world and the Mediterranean aydınlatmışsa appeared as to how, in the city of Alexandria, still thousands of years, olagelmiş capital of art and education. Jewish, Greek, Armenian and Arabic localization and identity of being a fishing town just grazed one of the early period turned into a metropolis.

Today, more lovers and families is known as a holiday destination, Alexandria; ancient times, humanity's first stop on a journey to the mysterious past of the candidate.

Tourist Attractions

You can enjoy modern and comfortable hotels in the city beaches of the Mediterranean. The length of Alexandria, 140 km of beach finds. Suffered in the summer influx of visitors from Cairo to specify. Density up to 20 km from the center were way out of this region turn to Montazah. A total of 150 hectares, this area is organized as a park. Walt Disney has taken a hand here the architecture specified. Khedive Abbas's palace in the middle of the field manager of the Ottoman Empire can be seen in the region. Mature trees, the city's promenade in El Montazah Park venue.

One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Pharos Lighthouse of place today, left the fortress of the Mamluk Sultan Bey Register. Buradaymışçasına like a lighthouse, guests from around the world are turning to forward the first here. The lighthouse, which began in 1990 as a result of the French and Egyptian researchers, Helen revealed by researcher Jean-Yves Empereur.

Alexandria, Eastern and Western ports extending upward in the middle of a "T" letter format is expanding. These pens "T" at the most. Looking at the top of the castle in the city so it can easily be seen on both sides. Fishing vessels and offers an impressive view of the blue sea filled with white sailboats. After that, the Maritime Museum located next to the entrance of the castle may be the next stop. The museum has been restored in 1984 by Walt Disney Company.

Ras Al-Tin Palace, is to the west and has a very important place in Egyptian history. King Farouk, who have accomplished that here the end of the monarchy. This region continues to beaches where boats and expensive yachts.

Flying from place to place using Phaetons. Library of Alexandria cab ride going. Offers a unique aesthetic experience, you'll see along the road. Columns marked Greco-Roman architecture, squares, magnificent domes equipped with Islam.

Culture and Entertainment

Today's Library of Alexandria, just burned, destroyed, such as the first library of science, culture and art created for a rather large structure. The modern library opened in 2002, and his face towards the sea, 160 meters long, designed as a cylinder. Were built from glass and aluminum sections, copper alloy papyrus format given the column focuses on the face. The Library's collection, and a reading room open for fully digitized, has eight thousand ancient manuscripts and books. Befitting the size of the library's main reading room sizes. Also at the Library, conference halls, museums, art galleries, restoration workshops and planetarium are also available.

Greco-Roman Museum, are among the many stylish villas. Grecian and Roman culture, as well as rich samples exhibited, in Alexandria ruled in Arab, Turkish, Armenian, are examples of other cultures. Greeks are quite close to the museum necropolis, sarcophagi, that has survived the cultural remains of Grecian amphitheater. En-Nebi is another must-see monument of Column of Pompeii in the south of the street. Around the column sphinxes, pharaohs civilization traces left by the region.

Abul-Abbas Mosque; 13 century Andalusia was built in 1775 on the tomb of one of sufis. The dome and high minarets of Alexandria, the largest of four places of worship in this mosque.

Wining and Dining

In fact, one of the first, perhaps Alexandria's cafes are a must-see ... Terraces overlooking the sea, huge mirrors on the wall with oil paints and cafes, has managed to become a brand. Section between the castle and palace in the Anfoushi Quarter, a collection of previously invoiced fishermen. Today's fish restaurants and cafes, this transition point. A preferable place for dinner.

Al-Hurriyat street cafes to catch your breath as well, there are restaurants to feed the abdomen. Egyptian-style food can be eaten sitting down to enjoy falafel and kuşeyriyi here again. Loving, friendly and talkative people of Alexandria, they are also very hospitable. Meyvesularından not forget to drink water, especially fresh sugarcane.


Al-Hurriyat street outlets, an address where the rich display cabinets. Domestic or foreign, large and small can find all kind of brand.
Tags: Alexandria, Alexandria, places to visit, learn about Alexandria, Egypt, Alexandria in Egypt

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