22 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Leadership in Health Tourism Turkey for leaving

Leadership in Health Tourism Turkey for leaving 

Health Tourism revenue this year after the U.S. and Germany 3 We rank. As the number of patients coming to the 5th We rank. Comes from Europe, 65 percent of the patients. Europeans generally prefer us for dental and aesthetic.

Chairman of the Council of Health Tourism in Turkey Emin Cakmak, said there were a marked improvement in health tourism in Turkey in recent years. 486 thousand people in 2010, indicating that in 2011 587 thousand people came to Turkey for treatment Lighter, $ 3.5 billion came here, he said.

Lighter, "which we stay, eat or drink expenses, such as earning 1.5 billion dollars. The first three months of 2012 compared to last year's 17.5 percent increase in the first three in question. If the same end of the year increased 22 per cent increase compared to last year figures. 21 In 2005 the world health tourism 'ydik. Income this year after the U.S. and Germany 3 We rank. As the number of patients coming to the 5th We rank. Comes from Europe, 65 percent of the patients. Europeans generally prefer us for dental and aesthetic, "he said.

According to the Ministry of Health in 2010 to 400 thousand people came to find healing in our country. Approximately 100 thousand of them in medical tourism, thermal tourism and the rest chose to Turkey and Turkey for 800 million dollars in total revenue from this work was obtained. Head of Department of Health Tourism in the Ministry of Health. Dursun Aydin, says that these numbers are projected to increase by 30-40 percent per year, and adds: As of 2012 the city began construction of hospitals and was open to foreign health professionals work. Legislative efforts towards the establishment of the Free Zones began in Health. Introduction of incentives are given, trying for the development of health tourism. As a result, our goal is health tourism in 2023 1 million foreign patients annually, 20 billion dollars in foreign exchange income.

Most patients come from Germany

Level of health services after the Health Transformation Program in Turkey with the developed countries has become a center of attraction Dr told. Aydin, "Health tourism is composed of three main sections. Medical tourism, thermal tourism, tourism in the elderly and disabled. According to 2010 data, 80 percent of patients look for medical tourism, dental, orthopedics, cardiology, oncology, plastic surgery and brain surgery came to their branches. 92 percent were treated in private hospitals, "he says. 70 percent of the patients who came to Turkey from Germany, Holland, France, Austria, Belgium, coming from countries such as the Turkish Republics and Middle East region. Germany with 36 percent of the countries attracting the head. Then, with 8 percent in France, with 5 percent of the Austrian ranks. Thermal changes in the geography of tourism shows that the patient is concerned.

Thermal tourism, the Japanese first

Dr. Dursun Aydin, 2010 according to the number of patients from 260 thousand to spas in the country stating that "Japan, Germany, Russia, Korea, Iran, Middle East and United States primarily from the patients in Denizli, Izmir, Balikesir, Bursa and Afyon provinces chose. Statistical data on tourism for the elderly benefit from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Accordingly, the number of health tourists in 2008, which was around 56 thousand in 2010 doubled to reach 109 thousand people, "he says. As well as private health care organizations, hospitals, health tourism, giving the service of the ministry, Dr. başlandığına pointing. Aydin said: Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Mugla, Adana, Antalya, Denizli, Bursa, Gaziantep, Hatay and close to 40 in 18 provinces, including Diyarbakir hospital, the patient may accept foreign nationals infrastructure.


Health tourism numbers in a line 444 47 28 "International Patient Support Unit as" running. 7/24 granted to foreigners in the call center support in 4 languages ​​(English, German, Arabic, Russian) are interpreting service. Health tourism and 'health tourists' reports of patients from public hospitals to the scope, procedures and discharge from abroad, the provision of support is offered in foreign languages. Sabi 184 and 112 also call the emergency line in case of foreign patients with triple-conferencing system verilebiliyor interpreting service.

PATIENT, THE ORIGINAL satisfied with the service

Health Minister Recep Akdag, said health care satisfaction rate has increased over the last 9 years. Akdag, "the health, satisfaction rate of 39 percent in late 2003, has risen to 79 percent in 2011. 'Moderately satisfied' If you add to it those who say, 'I am not satisfied with health care in this country who say that' The rate of 12s per cent. I realized very well in international organizations, "he said.


World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, organized by the 65th Health Assembly was shown an example country in Turkey. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, WHO Regional Director for Europe Zsusanna Jakab and over 190 representatives of member countries attended the meeting praised Turkey. Chan, WHO Director-General, on Turkey ranks first among the countries with health care reform, "we will take an example of a country in health," he said.

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